
The Magical Draught of Malice

Created by Noble Dwarf Printing

Liquid filled random potion generator

Latest Updates from Our Project:

My Apologies and a full update.
about 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 08:15:00 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Personal update.
about 3 years ago – Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 04:13:39 PM

Chuck Clutterbuck

6 months ago I lost a giant light in my world. Not only my best friend but the best friend I had ever had. John literally pulled me from the darkest place I have ever been and gave me hope and purpose in all we could accomplish together.

That is gone from me now never to return... decades of memories and experiences stolen from me. My anger and rage are only matched by my utter despair.

I am only 45 yrs old and this life has already been too long.

My other good friend says "Life is meant to be endured", my family all live to be 90+ so I guess I have a lot more to endure without my friend.

I miss you John and I will continue to do so.

If you have someone like that in your life PLEASE reach out to them...touch them, hug them, cherish them.

Stay well and healthy...

This is NOT political
about 3 years ago – Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 11:14:14 AM

I am sorry that so many people have to put their own political spin on what are simply facts. 

I am not saying anything about the policy as good or bad. I am not expressing an opinion on anything. I am relaying facts. 

When this project was funded it was $4,000.00 to ship a container. 

Due to policy changes made it is now $22,000.00.

That is fact, I can't change the facts. 

Opinions about those facts do nothing in the world of a small business. 

I was simply saying that in my time of grief and struggle to even care about this company as I should I have a hard time.

New Year Update
about 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 05:23:08 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

I hope you are all well and healthy! Merry Christmas Happy New Year!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 06, 2021 at 08:19:56 AM

Hi, everyone,

I hope you're doing well and that you're healthy.

I have a bit of an update here two parter... First part is all good news I received the sample and this thing is beautiful, you can see that they came really close to matching the ABS and the PVC plastic looks fantastic.

It's going to come just like this in the packaging, and our bottles are going to be amazing when we get them. So all of that is good. And on track. Remember, the molds have been paid for for the factory has been secured to make production, we did not charge anything in backer kit, we haven't locked in any of the extras because of the second part of this update. 

And now for the part of the update that nobody wants to hear. It's the continued delay, I need to take you back for a second to the beginning of 2020.

When we all plan this project together, oil was $32 a barrel gas was $1.79. And the United States had achieved energy independence for the first time in 62 years, we actually exported oil to Saudi Arabia, if you can believe that. Now fast forward to now we have managed to kill every single domestic oil project putting 10s of 1000s of union workers out of a job and putting our energy consumption back into the hands of OPEC, Russia and China, Putin's response was that he could see $100 A barrel, and today we're sitting right about 80 to 84, somewhere in there. And I know you're asking what does this have to do with my toy. Unfortunately, in 2020, at the beginning, when we started this, it was between $2,000 and $4,000 to ship a container from there to here. And now it is roughly $22,000 somewhere in there, 20-22,000 dollars and it sits off the Port of Los Angeles for 45 to 60 days depending on when they decide to get you in. I don't personally have an extra $16,000 sitting around to cover shipping. It's not even for product. It's not packaging. It's not an extra cost of goods. It's simply to do a job they were doing before. I have to wait until this comes back down. Now we all know these things are cyclical. It will come back around again. Gas will drop, I will jump on it because remember, the factory has been secured, the molds have been bought and the samples have been delivered. All I've got to do is say flip the switch, put it on a ship and we're good. We just have to wait for this to all calm down.

So that's the bad part of the update.

The good part is they match the colors perfectly and we're not going anywhere. I'm going to be in Philadelphia, December 10 through 12th at PAX Unplugged, come by and see us we've got our new dragons, our tree topper, and are great Christmas ornaments. So if you're at PAX Unplugged, come by the booth and say hi, I will be posting another update after the show to let everybody know how things are going. And we'll continue to give updates and pay attention to shipping prices.

So take care.

And thank you again for all your support

be well.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Noble Dwarf